
The effects of competition on the evolution of interspecific interference mechanisms were studied by comparing the aggressive behavior of two terrestrial salamander species from two localities that differ in the intensity of interspecific competition. Plethodon jordani and P. glutinosus are closely related, ecologically similar species that are sympatric at intermediate elevations in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Previous removal and transplant experiments showed that interspecific competition is more intense in the northeastern Great Smoky Mountains, where the species are narrowly sympatric, than in the nearby Balsam Mountains, where sympatry is broader. In laboratory encounters, P. glutinosus from the Great Smoky Mountains were more aggressive to heterospecific and conspecific intruders than were P. glutinosus from the Balsam Mountains. For P. jordani, however, the variation in interspecific and intraspecific aggressive behavior among individuals within populations was as great as the variation between populations. Alpha-selection (i.e., improved competitive ability by the acquisition of interspecific interference mechanisms) has occurred in populations of P. glutinosus under conditions of intense interspecific competition. The evolution of aggressive behavior appears to have been influenced by the intensity of intraspecific competition as well.

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