
AbstractInformation is needed on the competition effects of safflower, Carthamus tinctorius L., in yield trials of small plots. Six cultivars differing in growth rate and height were planted adjacent to one another in different plot sizes and shapes.In two‐row plots, differences in height in mid‐April (mid‐branching) were not related to yield of straw or seed. Adjacent plot differences of 18 cm in plant height at maturity did not affect straw yield, and differences of 25 cm did not affect seed yield. With adjacent plot differences of 41 to 59 cm, the taller cultivars produced more straw and the shorter cultivar produced less straw and seed than when grown in solid stand. Seed yield was more affected by competition than straw yield.Increasing the area of the plot from 1.4 to 5.8 m2 decreased variation. Plots of parallel basic units were more highly correlated for yield of straw and seed than end‐to‐end units.

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