
Yang, J.H. and Wen, C.H., 2020. Competition analysis of internet finance industry in coastal regions based on Panzar-Rosse model. In: Al-Tarawneh, O. and Megahed, A. (eds.), Recent Developments of Port, Marine, and Ocean Engineering. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 110, pp. 235–238. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.With the rise of Internet finance in coastal regions, its influence on the banking industry has gradually deepened. To a certain extent, it has seized the bank's asset business, liability business and intermediate business. This paper is based on the establishment of Panzar-Rosse model to determine the degree of competition in China's banking market. In recent ten years, China's banking industry is in a state of monopoly competition and the degree of competition is increasing. Internet finance in coastal regions has little influence on the degree of banking competition in its infancy. However, when Internet finance in coastal regions develops to a certain level, it will have a significant positive correlation with the degree of competition of China's banking industry. In the future, we should actively promote the cooperation between banking and Internet finance in coastal regions to optimize the allocation of social and economic resources.

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