
Green marketing research has traditionally analysed the effect of attitudes and norms on purchase intentions and behaviours. While we are aware of research examining attitudes and behaviours towards green tangible products (e.g., Paladino, 2005), there is no understanding regarding how these factors apply to intangible renewable power services. Similarly, branding and its effects are scant in a contemporary green marketing context. Of this research, most has evaluated the product and not service brands. Some have researched the extent of green branding and its effects on attitudes (e.g., Hartman et al., 2005). Despite this, research evaluating the role of renewable electricity retailer brands and their characteristics is limited. This study works towards understanding this and seeks to bind the existing branding, services marketing and consumer behaviour literatures to understand the motivators behind renewable electricity purchase in Australia.With the introduction of contestable customers and the increase in importance of renewable energy around the world, it is imperative that renewable electricity retailers attract consumer interest and attain their consideration. Using focus group research and in-depth interviews from consumers in Australia, this paper analyses the strategic options available to the power provider to increase their appeal to the consumer. Theoretical and managerial implications are reviewed.

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