
Abstract. The number of Indonesian migrant workers (IMWs) working abroad is very large. In 2021, it reached 52.278 specifically in Hong Kong. The IMWs are spread across various regions in Hong Kong. Most IMWs fill in industrial work in factories and household or domestic work. During the post-pandemic, many IMWs were laid off and some even had their employment terminated. The problem that arises when exposed to layoffs is that most of them are not ready to work independently. Most will return to their homeland with makeshift supplies. From the situation analysis, problems that can be identified include: 1) Lack of understanding of the pandemic which has an impact on sluggishness in doing business, 2) Lack of understanding of entrepreneurship as a provision for independent living, and 3) Lack of understanding of the importance of marketing products/services digitally in the post-pandemic period. Based on the findings of the identified problems, the international community service program carried out various activities to solve these problems. The activities carried out include 1) training to increase understanding of entrepreneurship, 2) training to improve marketing skills, 3), training on attractive product packaging, and 4) providing assistance from Indonesia. This community service activity results in the realization of migrant workers who are ready to do entrepreneurship and have marketing skills. Moreover, they are also able to package simple products in the form of processed and fried products.

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