
Abstract Background Health regions are geographically defined clusters that serve to coordinate health and social care for the population. For this purpose, networks are formed consisting of actors from the health care sector and its environment. These networks exist in various stages in a few European countries, e.g. in Germany and Austria. In order to improve health care in Europe, the Com.HeNet project aims to provide training in the management of health regions with a European standard. Com.HeNet: The Erasmus+ project Competences in Health Network Management aims to develop curriculum modules for the training of regional health network managers. The modules should correspond to the European standard. By completing the modules, health professionals should be able to implement and manage a health network at regional level. The required competences for the management of health regions were collected in the international consortium in six European countries and transferred into a European core competence profile. This serves as a basis for the development of the teaching modules. In addition, the requirements for a data system are identified and described. Presentation The presentation Competences in Health Network Management introduces the project Com.HeNet. The structure and process of the project will be explained. Potentials for further European developments will be discussed. The presentation also serves as an introduction to the subsequent lectures. Main message European health care management curricula have the potential to improve European health care.

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