
Competences are intensively discussed in the context of cross-curricular themes, such as Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), especially in light of the United Nations Decade for ESD (2004–2015). Recent literature on ESD lists a number of competences for ESD in various fields with the exception of teacher education. A competencemodel for ESD for educators was generated in the Austrian research project KOM-BiNE (Competences for ESD in Teacher Education) as part of a large-scale EU project. The KOM-BiNE competence model consists of areas of competences within fields of action. The constituent elements of the competence model are described in detail and are illustrated with examples.


  • Several policy statements and research papers on education for sustainable development (ESD) have been published since the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, and notably since the followup summit in Johannesburg, where education for sustainable development was a central theme

  • V zadnjem času – še posebej v okviru desetletja Združenih narodov za Izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj (2004–2015) – se veliko govori o kompetencah v povezavi z medpredmetnimi vsebinami, kot sta trajnostni razvoj in izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj

  • V okviru avstrijskega raziskovalnega projekta KOM-BiNE (Kompetence za izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj na področju izobraževanja učiteljev), ki je bil del širšega projekta Evropske unije, je bil oblikovan model kompetenc, ki naj bi jih imeli učitelji za izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj

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Competences for Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Education

Competences are intensively discussed in the context of cross-curricular themes, such as Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), especially in light of the United Nations Decade for ESD (2004–2015). Recent literature on ESD lists a number of competences for ESD in various fields with the exception of teacher education. A competence model for ESD for educators was generated in the Austrian research project KOM-BiNE (Competences for ESD in Teacher Education) as part of a large-scale EU project. Kompetence za poučevanje za trajnostni razvoj na področju izobraževanja učiteljev Franz Rauch* in Regina Steiner. Pregled novejše literature o izobraževanju za trajnostni razvoj nam pokaže, da obstaja kar nekaj kompetenc za izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj na različnih področjih, razen na področju izobraževanja učiteljev. V okviru avstrijskega raziskovalnega projekta KOM-BiNE (Kompetence za izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj na področju izobraževanja učiteljev), ki je bil del širšega projekta Evropske unije, je bil oblikovan model kompetenc, ki naj bi jih imeli učitelji za izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj. Ključne besede: izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj, model kompetenc, izobraževanje učiteljev c e p s Journal | Vol.3 | No1 | Year 2013 11

Sustainable Development
Conclusion and Outlook
Biographical note
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