
Training includes process of the organization, transfer and assimilation of knowledge, skills of activity (Big Soviet Encyclopedia 1970). Educational process (or otherwise, training process) are connected with development of training in time and space and mean consecutive system of actions, it realizing. Traditionally process of training is connected with transfer of knowledge by the teacher to the pupil (or to the trainee). In the course of training since ancient times began to apply various supportive applications promoting acceleration, strengthening of understanding. In modern time process of training became already impossible without use of the computer equipment, and at the first stages involved as auxiliary. It led to emergence of a new paradigm of educational process – electronic education (e-learning) which is realized in the form of remote education. The educational process realized on the basis of the electronic training systems represents purposeful and controlled hard independent work of the trainee who can study in time, convenient for it, having only access to funds of training and to methodical materials. Possibility of contact with the teacher in such systems is, as a rule, conducted by means of e-mails. In this sense, of course, efficiency of a traditional type of training with the teacher in the form of lecture, practical and laboratory researches is more significant. With the reasons of crisis of the higher education of the last time it is covered in discrepancy between opportunities of traditional methods of training and that volume of the actual knowledge which modern society demands from the trained. Therefore the Government of the Russian Federation sees solutions of tasks in development of educational process within an intensification, optimization of educational process and development of electronic education (Development of education 2013). The modern level of development of telecommunication means allows removed trainees to provide access to educational resources of educational institution (remote education). However, at realization of this approach sharply there is a problem of control of the actual knowledge acquired by the trainee. In article it is offered to consider one of forms of a paradigm of electronic education connected with creation of the virtual educational space (VES). Within VOP it is offered to resolve issues of training and control of knowledge at the new level.

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