
In the conditions of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, the issues of gender-based violence, discrimination based on gender and domestic violence are more acute than ever before the Ukrainian society. The war became the catalyst that caused not only an increase in cases of such violence, but also complicated the process of identifying and recording them. Despite the military actions, Ukraine continues to take decisive steps to overcome this problem, following the Euro-Atlantic and NATO course. Ukraine supports the policy of gender equality aimed at overcoming all forms of discrimination based on gender. Ukraine has recognized gender equality as one of the global standards – one of the basic principles of a democratic society, and strives to achieve real, factual equality between women and men. Evidence of this is the active implementation of international and European legislation and the implementation of its provisions in the practical activities of state bodies and institutions of all levels. In order to overcome gender stereotypes, education is actively developing, the institutional capacities of state bodies and institutions, and local self-government bodies are being strengthened. Alongside this, statistical research findings suggest that women still have limited access to decision-making in armed conflict, despite their disproportionate contribution to humanitarian aid, and that women remain under-represented in the security and defense sectors , in particular at the level of decision-making, including in military and civilian positions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Police, in international operations to maintain peace and security. In view of the above, the issue of gender equality in the security and defense sector of Ukraine, in particular, in the bodies of the National Police, deserves special attention and remains relevant.

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