
Competence is a combination of three main aspects, namely the knowledge, skills and attitudes that a person must have to perform a task perfectly. This study was conducted to survey teachers' level of knowledge and skills in teaching and learning as these teachers consist of a group of non-option teachers. This study uses a quantitative approach in which the survey method by using a 4 -point Likert scale questionnaire as a research instrument. The study sample involved was a total of 96 people selected by simple random sampling using the Krejcie & Morgan Sample Size Determination Table. The data will be analyzed using Statistical Package for The Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. Descriptive analysis is used to obtain the mean value, standard deviation, frequency and percentage to see the demographics of the study and see the level of teacher competence in teaching effectiveness and the learning of social science teachers in schools towards the improvement of teacher professionalism. Findings of the study show that teachers 'competencies as a whole are at a moderate level (Value of Teacher Professionalism = 3.44, Teachers' competence in teaching and learning = 3.43 & Practice of teacher teaching effectiveness during teaching and learning = 3.39). The study suggests that the development of teachers to build and strengthen better levels of competencies (professional values, teacher competencies and effectiveness practices) for the teaching and learning process can be achieved for the metamorphic process of educational change.

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