
AbstractDeveloping organisms often plastically modify growth in response to environmental circumstances, which may be adaptive but is expected to entail long-term costs. However, the mechanisms that mediate these growth adjustments and any associated costs are less well understood. In vertebrates, one mechanism that may be important in this context is the highly conserved signaling factor insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which is frequently positively related to postnatal growth and negatively related to longevity. To test this idea, we exposed captive Franklin's gulls (Leucophaeus pipixcan) to a physiologically relevant nutritional stressor by restricting food availability during postnatal development and examined the effects on growth, IGF-1, and two potential biomarkers of cellular and organismal aging (oxidative stress and telomeres). During food restriction, experimental chicks gained body mass more slowly and had lower IGF-1 levels than controls. Following food restriction, experimental chicks underwent compensatory growth, which was accompanied by an increase in IGF-1 levels. Interestingly, however, there were no significant effects of the experimental treatment or of variation in IGF-1 levels on oxidative stress or telomeres. These findings suggest that IGF-1 is responsive to changes in resource availability but is not associated with increased markers of cellular aging during development in this relatively long-lived species.

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