
This is the first of two papers reporting community forensic mental health nurses' experiences of restriction orders and supervised discharge mechanisms. Service user/nurse relationships and risk are addressed in this initial paper. A mixed method/approach was used. A piloted 15-item questionnaire sought quantitative and qualitative data from 122 nurses throughout England and Wales; 57 questionnaires were returned. Limitations applying to gaining qualitative data via written questionnaire are overtly acknowledged. Quantitative data were analysed using the SPSS program. Content analysis and reflexive appraisal of qualitative data led to production of critically appraised conclusions. Findings are illustrative of complexity. Increased understanding of relevant issues, rather than definitive conclusions, is claimed as an outcome. Reductionist approaches are insufficient in illustrating relevant complexities; nurses offer considered, contextualized responses; diametrically opposed opinions exist about the value of interpersonal relationships and balances between care, control and risk assessment.

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