
The purpose of this study was to determine the classification of land capability, evaluate land capability, and determine the direction of land use in the Tabo-tabo Village according to its ability classification. This research was conducted from December 2017 to July 2018, located in Tab-Tabo Village, Bungoro District, Pangkep. This research used a purposive sampling method and a matching classification method. Tabo-Tabo Village has 3.262,54 hectares of total area, and 623,43 ha used as representative of this research. The results showed that some land use incompatible with the land capability was 100,48 ha (16,12%) while the land use, which compatible with land capability was 522,95 ha (83.8%). Tabo-Tabo Village has three Class of lands classification, which are Class IV, V, and VIII, with severe inhibitor factors such as the slopes, drainage, and permeability. Three land units that were incompatible were land in Class V in the form of rice field and two lands in Class VIII in the form of dryland agriculture mixed with shrubs. Land in Class V was directed to the production forest, while land in Class VIII was directed to the protection forest.

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