
In many countries, vaccination programs still require dogs to be vaccinated against rabies in addition to Canine distemper virus (CDV), adenovirus (CAV), parvovirus (CPV), parainfluenza virus (CPiV), Leptospira (L) or Canine coronavirus (CCV= Cv). Few vaccines containing all these antigens are commercially available and, unless compatibility between the vaccines was demonstrated, concurrent administration of a DAPPi-L(Cv) vaccine and a vaccine against rabies should not be recommended. This may be of concern for practitioners who wish to vaccinate dogs with all components on the same day. This study aimed at evaluating immunological compatibility between a monovalent rabies vaccine (Rabisin™) and two large combination vaccines against CDV, CAV, CPV, CPiV with 2 leptospira components +Cv (Recombitek® C6/Cv) or with 4 Leptospira components (Recombitek® C8), when injected concomitantly at two separate injection sites.Fourteen days after administration of the rabies vaccine, with or without concomitant administration of combo vaccines, all dogs had seroconverted against rabies and maintained protective titers over the duration of the study. In addition, 100% of the puppies vaccinated with one or the other combo vaccines seroconverted against CDV, CAV, CPV, CPiV (CCV) and Leptospira, whatever the vaccination group. Lack of immunological interference between Rabisin™ and all components of the Recombitek® C6/Cv or Recombitek® C8 Combo vaccines was demonstrated by non-inferiority analysis, except for CDV in the Recombitek®C8+ Rabisin™ group. Based on these results, a concomitant administration of Rabisin™ with Recombitek® C6/Cv or Recombitek® C8 can be recommended in daily practice, which can be essential for facilitating vaccination compliance.

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