
Patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), in particular those with pre-extensively drug-resistant (Pre-XDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR)-TB, and those that fail standard second-line therapy, are difficult to treat and have poor long-term outcomes [1]. To address this unmet medical need, there is strong interest in exploring the combined use of delamanid and bedaquiline, the only two anti-TB drugs approved for the treatment of pulmonary MDR-TB in the last 40 years, as their novel mechanisms of action may offer treatment alternatives for patients who have developed resistance or non-tolerability to existing anti-TB drugs [2, 3]. Despite the initial regulatory approvals of bedaquiline and delamanid in 2012 and 2014, respectively, global usage of both drugs in combination with one another remains limited in part due to the uncertainty around the safety and efficacy of such a combination regimen. Hence, there is an urgent need for programmatic data to better understand the “real-world” use of these two medicines used together in MDR-TB patients. Footnotes This manuscript has recently been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal . It is published here in its accepted form prior to copyediting and typesetting by our production team. After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article. Conflict of interest: Jeffrey Hafkin Conflict of interest: Norbert Hittel Conflict of interest: Alexandra Martin Conflict of interest: Rajesh Gupta

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