
In this case report we describe a patient presenting with symptoms of right sided testicular torsion who, upon surgical exploration, was noted to no longer have a torsion of the spermatic cord but persisted in having an ischaemic testicle refractory to reperfusion. A testicular compartment syndrome was suspected and the patient underwent fasciotomy of the tunica albuginea, leading to full reperfusion and good clinical outcome at three weeks and 10 months. This case raises the question of the value of performing such fasciotomies in patients who would otherwise undergo orchidectomy. Following a review of the literature, we feel the technique may well have a place in the management of torsion, pending further study. Databases searched were Medline, Embase, Cochrane, Trip and NHS Evidence. Search criteria included ‘compartment’, ‘testicle’, ‘testicular’, ‘syndrome’, ‘compartment syndrome’ and testis’ and combinations of these key words.

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