
La organización espacial y territorial es un factor importante en la configuración de las estrategias de control y vigilancia que funcionan en nuestra sociedad. La arquitectura en general, y determinados edificios en particular, han sido dispositivos importantes para el desempeño de tales tareas.
 En estas páginas se estudian las estructuras constructivas de establecimientos especialmente diseñados para el control y la custodia de sus habitantes, comenzando por las “Casas de Misericordia” diseñadas para recoger a los marginados, principalmente urbanos, desde el siglo XVI, y se rastrean las morfologías de cárceles, hospitales y lazaretos.
 Analizamos la transferencia de estructuras constructivas de un establecimiento a otro y cómo la reflexión sobre las funciones específicas de cada uno de ellos fue fijando sus morfologías.
 Finalmente, se presta atención al discurso construido en España, desde sus orígenes en el siglo XVI hasta sus concreciones en el XIX, ocupándonos tanto de las propuestas teóricas como de las realizaciones.


  • Safety and surveillance are deeply-rooted concepts in contemporary society, and they are currently gaining relevance as a consequence of the social and economic changes we are experiencing

  • In order to break the inmates’ will it is necessary to control their every move, their small actions, and to reduce the unruly ones through a system of mild, progressive and inexorable punishments. In this establishment, which represents the beginning of central surveillance and a new mode of using spatial organization to control the individual, we find the two types of surveillance we initially mentioned: inquisitive surveillance, inasmuch as inmates are classified and constantly observed, and coercive surveillance, because knowing who the inmates are and how they act, it becomes possible to influence their will through work and a strict disciplinary system in order to change their conduct and attitudes

  • In contrast with the smaller facilities that were the trend for hospitals, the Academy’s quarantine stations were excessively big for the standards of the time, going well over the dimensions of the quarantine station at Mahón, of the building proposed by Howard in his famous work on quarantine stations20, of those in the Rapport by Hély D’Oissel (1822) or the works of Bruyère (1828), to name a few examples of the references which may have been used by the authors of those projects

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Safety and surveillance are deeply-rooted concepts in contemporary society, and they are currently gaining relevance as a consequence of the social and economic changes we are experiencing. He makes the following proposals: buildings to be located a short distance from urban areas; buildings to be built by the convicts themselves after an outer wall has been erected by free construction workers; the use of non-combustible materials, such as stone, brick or iron; hallways wider than those proposed by Bentham, and greater separation between the central tower and the ring-shaped building (which would improve lighting and ventilation, the greater space created inside could be destined to different uses); it would be convenient to study the water circulation system (including a sort of heating system); designate spaces for workshops, store rooms, and school, preferably on the ground floor; define a precise location and shape for the latrines.

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