
We compare climate simulations for Present-Day (PD), Pre-Industrial (PI) time, and a hypothetical (inferred) state termed No-Anthropogenic (NA) based upon the low greenhouse gas (GHG) levels of the late stages of previous interglacials that are comparable in time (orbital configuration) to the present interglacial. We use a fully coupled dynamical atmosphere–ocean model, the CCSM3. We find a consistent trend toward colder climate (lower surface temperature, more snow and sea-ice cover, lower ocean temperature, and modified ocean circulation) as the net change in GHG radiative forcing trends more negative from PD to PI to NA. The climatic response of these variables becomes larger relative to the changed GHG forcing for each step toward a colder climate state (PD to PI to NA). This amplification is significantly enhanced using the dynamical atmosphere–ocean model compared with our previous results with an atmosphere–slab ocean model, a result that conforms to earlier idealized GHG forcing experiments. However, in our case this amplification is not an idealized result, but instead helps frame important questions concerning aspects of Holocene climate change. This enhanced amplification effect leads to an increase in our estimate of the climate’s response to inferred early anthropogenic CO2 increases (NA to PI) relative to the response to industrial-era CO2 increases (PI to PD). Although observations of the climate for the hypothetical NA (inferred from observations of previous interglacials) and for PI have significant uncertainties, our new results using CCSM3 are in better agreement with these observations than our previous results from an atmospheric model coupled to a static slab ocean. The results support more strongly inferences by Ruddiman concerning indirect effects of ocean solubility/sea-ice/deep ocean ventilation feedbacks that may have contributed to a further increase in late-Holocene atmospheric CO2 beyond that caused by early anthropogenic emissions alone.

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