
To find appropriate substitutions for the expensive plastics of A-150 and rexolite used in the construction of thick gas electron multiplier (THGEM)-based tissue-equivalent proportional counters, in the present work, the responses of a THGEM-based microdosimetric detector made of A-150 and rexolite and three others composed of plexiglas (PMMA), polyethylene and polystyrene plastics as the wall materials have been compared. Lineal energy distribution, frequency-averaged lineal energy, dose-averaged lineal energy, mean quality factor and dose-equivalent for 0.1, 1 and 10 MeV neutrons and also for 241Am-Be neutrons are calculated using Geant4 simulation toolkit. Frequency-averaged lineal energy, dose-averaged lineal energy, mean quality factor and dose-equivalent values for all plastics are found similar. In addition, the response of an indigenously constructed microdosemeter with PMMA walls is also measured for 241Am-Be neutrons. The experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation predictions. Conclusively, it was found that the three considered plastics can be used as good candidates instead of A-150 and rexolite plastics in fast neutron microdosimetry.

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