
Cloud computing is in vogue and, playing a compelling role in internet world. The cloud computing is an enumerate version of grid and cluster computing. Cloud computing are provides the utility of computer services such as PaaS,SaaS, and IaaS, and all services provided in a cost effective way. This cloud computing services performance is an important factor, if this utility service is slow and cost is high then it will obsolete in internet world. Hence researcher keep researched on performance of cloud computing services. The cloud server, when receive lots of service request then server need to assign load equally and this process is called load balancing. Load balancer are two type, hardware and software load balancer. The hardware load balancer implementation cost is so high therefore these types of load balancer are not popular. The software load balancer is cost effective;therefore, cloud servicer adopts these types of load balancer. In this paper our discussion is about load balancing and performance factor those are helping to manage the resources such as CPU, memory, secondary storage. It's an important of any cloud service to provide load balancing in an effective manner. In this paper we are going to do comparative study and analysis of existing major load balancing algorithms, and study and analyze for the algorithms various performance factor such as peak hour usage and distribution of services. Our focus on LB challenges in cloud computing, high concern on improvement of performance factor such resources utilization, response time, and throughput. In cloud computing network consist of different servers, storage devices and network unit.

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