
Aceh region has a very complex crustal structure from the forearc ridge to the backarc basin. This study aims to determine the velocity model of P and S waves and the depth of Moho discontinuity. This research was conducted using teleseismic earthquake data (30°-90° from the station) with M>6 from four seismic stations belonging to the BMKG in Aceh region. The stations are qualified based on the volcanic arc system zone. Furthermore, the velocity model determined by result of forward modelling, while the depth of the Moho layer estimated by migrated receiver function from time domain to the depth domain. At station SNSI that represented the forearc ridge zone, the depth of Moho is ±28 km, at station TPTI represent the forearc basin is ±16 km, while at zone with higher topography, namely volcanic arc zone represented by station KCSI, the Moho depth was identified at ±38 km, and the backarc basin represented by station LASI with ±40 km depth of Moho. This variation occurs because the composition of the earth’s layers below the station is diverse also different topography for each station.

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