
As the most dangerous and complex type of vehicle crash, rollover has gained much attention over the years. To evaluate the effect of end constraints of the Jordan rollover system (JRS), vehicle kinematics and occupant responses in a JRS test were compared with the results in an unconstrained over-the-road rollover (OTRR) event by using computational simulation method. Both dummy and human models were used to investigate the biofidelity of the dummy model during rollover crash. The results show that whatever the roll direction is, the vehicle kinematics under current impact configuration in JRS test has a less than 12% variation than in OTRR. The occupant responses in JRS test are less than 11% different from that in OTRR in passenger-side leading rollover. But in driver-side leading rollover, the variations in occupant responses between JRS and OTRR become larger. It is also concluded that the dummy model has lower head acceleration and higher neck force and chest deflection than the human model during rollover crash.

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