
Fluid accumulation within the tympanic bulla (TB) is an important diagnostic indicator in clinical cases of canine otitis media although its identification can be a challenge using currently available imaging techniques. The aim of this study was to compare ultrasound with radiography and a single computed tomography (CT) slice for the identification of fluid within the TB of canine cadavers. A random number of TB in 66 cadavers were filled with ultrasound gel. Rostrocaudal open mouth (RCdoM) radiographs and CT images were interpreted by 2 blinded radiologists and ultrasound examinations were performed by 2 blinded sonographers. The heads were then frozen and sectioned to confirm the contents of each TB. Although CT remained the most accurate method, comparable results were obtained by one of the sonographers and even the inexperienced sonographer produced results superior to radiography. Ultrasound has several advantages over the other imaging techniques and this study suggests that it may have an application in the investigation of canine otitis media although further work in live animals would be required to confirm this.

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