
SINGER AND PLOTZ 1 first described the eosin slide test as a simple screening method for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Lane and Decker 2 published an extensive, carefully controlled study and demonstrated that this new test was indeed as good as the more familiar Hyland RA slide test, thus confirming the conclusions of the originators. 1 The value of the Hyland latex slide test as a screening procedure in rheumatology clinics has been well documented in recent years 3,4 and the whole subject of the various serologic tests in relation to RA has been thoroughly reviewed and discussed. 5-7 As Singer states, 5 both the eosin and RA (Hyland) slide tests are valuable for detection of negative or strongly positive sera. Weak or 1+ slide test agglutinations should be checked by the latex fixation tube method or other procedures. 8-10 The present study compares the eosin and Hyland

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