
Full field digital mammography (FFDM) has been progressively introduced in medical centers in recent years.The goal of this study was to compare the average glandular doses (AGD) and image quality of two FFDM systems namely IMS Giotto and General Electric Senographe Essential.The AGD was calculated according to Dance et al by using the measured entrance surface Kerma, acquisition parameters and c,g,s factors. The image quality was assessed quantitatively by measuring the contrast to noise ratio (CNR) value using a PMMA homogenous phantom of 2, 4, 6 ad 8 cm thicknesses and a small contrast object (foil of 0.2 mm Al) Following the European protocol. The obtained values were used to calculate the Figure of Merit (FOM).Measures analysis showed that there is a significant difference value of AGD and CNR for thicknesses greater than 4 cm between the two FFDM systems.A comparison of the CNR values in this study meets those recommended in the European protocol.GE Senographe Essential system contributed the lowest AGD value while IMS Giotto had the highest CNR and FOM value.

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