
The survival of human blastocysts to vitrification with two different carriers is compared. Both vitrification carriers used in this study are in the category of closed carriers, as they completely isolate the samples from direct contact with liquid nitrogen or its vapours during cooling and storage, until warming. This characteristic is appealing because it reduces or eliminates the theoretical risk of cross-contamination during that period of time.The two closed vitrification systems used present very different design and features: in the High Security Vitrification device, the carrier straw containing the embryos is encapsulated inside an external straw before plunging in liquid nitrogen, resulting in thermal insulation during cooling. On the other hand, in the SafeSpeed carrier embryos are loaded in a thin-walled, narrow capillary designed to maximize the thermal transference. Both closed carriers achieved comparable outcomes in terms of survival of blastocysts to the vitrification process, with 97.5% vs. 96.1% survival with HSV and SafeSpeed, respectively. In conclusion, the cooling and warming rates at which these carriers operate, in combination with the cytosolic solute concentration in the cells of the cryopreserved blastocysts attained after a cryoprotectant-loading protocol, result in successful vitrification of human blastocysts for human assisted reproduction.

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