
Two automatic coagulometers--ACL 810 (Instrumentation Laboratory), a laser-nephelometric centrifugal analyzer, and KoaguLab 40 A (Ortho Diagnostics), an optical automatic coagulometer--were compared with the manual tilt-tube method for the performance of prothrombin time (PT). Seven ISI- (International Sensitivity Index) calibrated commercial thromboplastin reagents were used for duplicate determinations in 30 normal subjects, 30 patients with liver disease, and 30 patients receiving stabilized oral anticoagulation. Clotting times were longer with the manual method than with ACL 810 and, to a lesser extent, with KoaguLab 40 A. Average imprecision of duplicate determinations (CV) was less than 1% with ACL 810; KoaguLab 40 A and the manual method had similarly higher imprecisions (2.8% and 2.7%). Differences in origin and slope of the regression curves of clotting times obtained with the coagulometers over the tilt-tube method were observed with all the reagents tested. Transformation of clotting times to PT ratios did not eliminate the bias resulting from the different clot-detection methods. A higher percentage of patients with liver disease had abnormal PT ratios when their plasma was tested with the coagulometers than with the manual method. Transformation of PT ratios to International Normalized Ratios effectively eliminated the bias resulting from the different thromboplastin reagents but had no effect on the bias resulting from the different clot-detection methods. A significant proportion of patients appeared excessively anticoagulated (INR greater than 4.5) with the coagulometers but not with the manual method. These results highlight the need for standardization of both instrumentations and reagents to improve monitoring of oral anticoagulant treatment.

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