
Purpose Peyronie's disease is a connective tissue disorder resulting in fibrotic plaque formation on the tunica albuginea of the penis. One approach to repair consists of plaque excision and patching with one of many potential patch materials. Because the optimal patch material for covering the resultant defect has not been determined, this study compares histological and cavernosometric changes in the penis as a result of the placement of three different types of patch grafts used in surgery for Peyronie's disease. Materials and Methods Eleven mongrel dogs were divided into three groups, each receiving a different patch material (superficial dorsal penile vein, silicone fabric, and dermabraded preputial flap). Each dog had dynamic infusion cavernosometry (DIC) performed prior to placement of the patch over a 6 × 3 mm. defect surgically created in the tunica albuginea. Three months later, DIC was repeated prior to sacrifice. Histology of the penis was examined using Masson's trichrome, and hematoxylin and eosin stains. Results The only difference among the cavernosometric parameters (preop versus postop) was a higher initial pressure in the dermabraded preputial flap group postoperatively. The dogs undergoing vein patch had moderate fibrosis with apparent reformation of the tunica albuginea over the patch site. The normal venous architecture of the graft was no longer recognizable. Those dogs receiving a silicone patch had moderate fibrosis with a fibrous sheath of compressed histiocytes and fibroblasts enveloping the graft site. Finally, the dermabraded preputial flap patch group had mild-moderate fibrosis with focal loss of the cavernosal space underlying the flap. Conclusions We feel that continued use of the vein patch for repair of Peyronie's disease is warranted.

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