
Two Solanum genotypes, a wild relative of cultivated potato S. cajamarquense (Cjm) and an advanced tetraploid clone B3C1 (B3), were inoculated with two Phytophthora infestans isolates and leaves were sampled at 72 and 96 h after inoculation. Gene expression in the inoculated versus noninoculated samples was monitored using the Institute of Genomic Research (TIGR) 10K potato array and real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The current experiment is study number 83 of the TIGR expression profiling service project, and all data are publicly available in the Solanaceae Gene Expression Database (SGED) at ftp://ftp.tigr.org/pub/data/s_tuberosum/SGED. Differentially regulated cDNA clones were selected separately for each isolate-time point interaction by significant analysis of microarray (SAM), and differentially regulated clones were classified into functional categories by MapMan. The results show that the genes activated in B3 and Cjm have largely the same biological functions and are commonly activated when plants respond to pathogen attack. The genes activated within biological function categories were considerably different between the genotypes studied, suggesting that the defence pathways activated in B3 and Cjm during the tested conditions may involve unique genes. However, as indicated by real-time RT-PCR, some of the genes thought to be genotype specific may be activated across genotypes at other time points during disease development.

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