
In 2002, the first two clinical isolates of vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) containing vanA were recovered in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Tn1546, a mobile genetic element that encodes high-level vancomycin resistance in enterococci, was present in both isolates. With PCR and DNA sequence analysis, we compared the Tn1546 elements from each isolate to the prototype Tn1546 element. The Michigan VRSA element was identical to the prototype Tn1546 element. The Pennsylvania VRSA element showed three distinct modifications: a deletion of nucleotides 1 to 3098 at the 5' end, which eliminated the orf1 region; an 809-bp IS1216V-like element inserted before nucleotide 3099 of Tn1546; and an inverted 1,499-bp IS1251-like element inserted into the vanSH intergenic region. These differences in the Tn1546-like elements indicate that the first two VRSA isolates were the result of independent genetic events.

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