
JxcoB (1) has recent ly made an in te res t ing compar ison of the ampl i tude for mesonmeson sca t ter ing in the Veneziano model (2) w i t h tha t ob ta ined f rom the current a lgebra calculat ion of Weinberg (a). He has shown from pion-pion sca t te r ing tha t the wid th of t he rho-meson obta ined f rom the Veneziano fo rmula is smaller t han the one obt a ined f rom the K S F R (4) relat ion. In this note we examine this quest ion in the cont e x t of chiral dynamics and find t h a t t he Veneziano ampl i tude is compat ib le wi th t h a t obta ined f rom the ehiral Lagrangian . Also the K S F R re la t ion of chiral dynamics remains essential ly unchanged. To show this we use the covar ian t de r iva t ive g iven by WEII~BERG (~) for the pion field:

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