
We evaluate the utility of medium spatial resolution images from the Wide Field Sensor (WiFS) for the estimation of the area burned in a large fire. The performance of methodologies using these images is compared with similar methodologies using high spatial resolution image from the Linear Imaging and Self Scanning Sensor (LISS-III) and other ancillary data. Both sensors are located onboard the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite 1C (IRS-1C). The post-fire LISS image was analysed by means of Matched Filtering (MF) techniques. Two WiFS images (pre- and post-fire) were analysed using MF techniques and also by means of changes in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Ground data were used to classify the three thematic images obtained in several post-fire classes. The results show a greater proportion of transition areas between burned and unburned places and a slightly larger area burned estimation in the WiFS than in the LISS analysis. Nevertheless, the results obtained, and the comparisons with ground data, indicate that medium spatial resolution images' estimation of the area burned is a useful tool at regional and national scales.

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