
The following obturation techniques were compared on their ability to obturate lateral canals in vitro, lateral condensation (LC), continuous wave of condensation (CW), warm vertical condensation (WV), carrier-based thermoplasticized gutta-percha (CB), warm lateral condensation (WL), and vertically condensed high-temperature gutta-percha (HT). A root canal system with lateral canals in the coronal, middle, and apical thirds was prepared in resin blocks. Each block was obturated using each technique (n = 30, 15 each, with and without sealer). The length of gutta-percha and sealer in each of the lateral canals was measured with a measuring microscope and statistically compared. All techniques obturated all three levels of lateral canals with sealer. WV, CB, and CW were able to fill the lateral canals with gutta-percha significantly better when root canal sealer was used. WV, CB, CW, and HT filled the coronal and middle lateral canals significantly better with gutta-percha than LC or WL condensation. CB and CW filled the apical lateral canal significantly better with gutta-percha than HT, WV, WL, or LC.

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