
The aim of this article was to compare the influence of the data pre-processing methods – normalization and standardization – on the results of the classification of spongy tissue images. Four hundred CT images of the spine (L1 vertebra) were used for the analysis. The images were obtained from fifty healthy patients and fifty patients with diagnosed with osteoporosis. The samples of tissue (50×50 pixels) were subjected to a texture analysis to obtain descriptors of features based on a histogram of grey levels, gradient, run length matrix, co-occurrence matrix, autoregressive model and wavelet transform. The obtained results were set in the importance ranking (from the most important to the least important), and the first fifty features were used for further experiments. These data were normalized and standardized and then classified using five different methods: naive Bayes classifier, support vector machine, multilayer perceptrons, random forest and classification via regression. The best results were obtained for standardized data and classified by using multilayer perceptrons. This algorithm allowed for obtaining high accuracy of classification at the level of 94.25%.

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