
The live oral typhoid vaccine Ty21a has proved to confer protection against the disease at least as effectively as killed parenteral vaccines, whereas killed oral vaccines have not been protective in field trials. This prompted us to compare the immune response of subjects vaccinated either with live oral, killed oral or killed parenteral Salmonella typhi Ty21a vaccine. The immune responses were studied by analysis of peripheral blood antibody-secreting cells (ASC), believed to reflect the mucosal immune response. Live and killed bacteria administered by the oral route elicited immune responses of similar specificity and Ig class profile (IgA dominating), but the response to the live vaccine was significantly stronger and lasted longer The administration route, on the other hand, influenced the antigenic specificity of the ASC response suggesting different processing of the antigen by the systemic and local immune systems. Thus, the response after oral vaccination was almost exclusively directed to the surface O-antigen, whereas after parenteral vaccination an equally strong response was seen to the O-antigen, to lipopolysaccharide core and to flagella.

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