
1. Pituitary glycoproteins from domestic ducks and fowls were fractionated to separate luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) activities using the same chromatographic steps. 2. Fractions were bioassayed for LH using the release of progesterone from fowl granulosa cells and for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) by measuring the release of thyroxine in 3-d-old chicks. Follicle stimulating hormone activity was measured either in a cockerel-testes radioreceptor assay or by the release of oestrogen from cultured rat Sertoli cells. 3. Fractions containing predominantly FSH or LH activity were isolated from the fowl glycoproteins. Duck gonadotrophin did not occur in fractions corresponding to those containing fowl FSH. 4. Duck gonadotrophin was found in a fraction corresponding with the most highly purified fowl LH fraction. A duck LH fraction was found with little FSH activity for which there was no corresponding fowl LH fraction. 5. It is concluded that domestic fowl and duck gonadotrophins have different chromatographic properties. Further study is required to determine whether the purified duck gonadotrophin preparation comprises proteins with similar physico-chemical properties but with separate FSH and LH biological activities.

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