
Abstract 237 Ss were administered both the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A (HGSHS:A) of Shor and E. Orne (1962), and the Creative Imagination Scale (CIS) of Barber and Wilson (1977) and Wilson and Barber (1978) in separate testing sessions. Results were analyzed to assess the extent of relationship between the 2 scales and particular attention was paid to the question of whether, or not, CIS can be said to be an index of hypnotizability as traditionally measured by HGSHS: A. Data indicated that performance on CIS relates positively (r = .28) to success on HGSHS:A, but the 2 tests are independent in their underlying dimensions. The CIS appears to tap primarily the processes of imagery and imagination which are only partly related to performance on the more complex scales which measure hypnosis as generally conceptualized.

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