
An instrument called the Optibreed™, BullMate™ sperm quality analyzer (SQA) contains a densitometer for determining sperm cell concentration and an optical sensor to evaluate light deflections caused by sperm movement. Analysis of light deflections enables the generation of a value called the sperm quality index (SQI). The SQI represents the quality of a semen sample defined by sperm motility, concentration, viability and morphology. The SQA was compared to conventional, microscopic techniques for determining percent motile sperm and sperm concentration in bull semen samples and evaluated for its ability to classify bulls as satisfactory or unsatisfactory potential breeders. Semen samples were collected from 105 mature beef bulls by electroejaculation (day 1) and from 51 of the same bulls by internal artificial vagina (IAV) on day 2. SQI values were arranged into 20 categories in increments of 50 units from 0 to 1000 units. Percent motile sperm and sperm concentration values from both methods were significantly positively correlated ( P<0.000) with respective r values of 0.82 and 0.80. A calculation of kappa to evaluate the differences in percent motile sperm generated by each system yielded a value of 0.20 and 0.54 for unweighted and weighted determinations, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient used to evaluate the reliability of sperm cell concentration determinations was 0.62 ( P<0.05). SQI values generated on days 1 and 2 ranged from 0–994 to 0–906, respectively. Bulls were categorized as satisfactory or unsatisfactory potential breeders in all categories. The most appropriate SQI for determining whether a bull was a satisfactory or unsatisfactory potential breeder was 500 with respective sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) of 81, 65, 90.79 and 44.83%. In this experiment the BullMate™ SQA was not a reliable substitute for conventional semen analysis and was not useful for determining bull breeding soundness.

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