
1. Synaptic potentials following stimulation of the main peripheral nerve trunks have been investigated in central nerve cells of suboesophageal ganglia of the snail Heobania vermiculata (Helicidae). 2. The somatic response potentials to ionophoretic application of acetylcholine were compared with PSPs also in presence of cholinolytics. 3. IPSP reversed at −50/−58 mV, whereas the extrapolated values for EPSP reverse level were ranged between −35/+18 mV. 4. A presumable decrease of receptor sensitivity to ACh/neurotransmitter action with the membrane hyperpolarization is described. 5. Differences between equilibrium potentials for PSP and for cholinergic extrasynaptic response were analysed and discussed in terms of a possible neurotransmitter role of ACh in the ganglia.

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