
Flap reconstruction is commonly used in advanced tongue carcinoma in order to compensate for the loss of tongue tissue and function. Surprisingly, a large number of reconstructed early-stage tongue cancer can be found. Survival or functional benefits in these cases remain unclear. A retrospective data analysis of 384 surgically treated tongue carcinoma patients was conducted aiming to find epidemiologic and survival differences between patients with (n = 158) or without flap reconstruction (n = 226). A prospective functional analysis was performed on 55 early-stage tongue cancer patients, 33 without and 22 with radial-forearm flap reconstruction, focusing on post-therapeutic swallowing function as the primary endpoint, speech as the secondary endpoint, xerostomia, quality of life, and mouth opening. Consistent with the current literature, we demonstrated the significantly more frequent use of flap grafts in advanced tongue carcinomas. For the first time, we depicted a higher female ratio in the reconstructed group (p = 0.02). There were no significant differences in survival or functional outcomes between the groups. The none-reconstructed group showed more frequent use of adjuvant C/RT despite presenting fewer N+ stages. The higher female ratio in the reconstruction group is plausible due to the anatomically smaller oral cavity and relatively larger carcinoma in women. A higher presence of close margins in the none-reconstruction group may explain the more frequent use of adjuvant C/RT. Since we found no survival or functional differences between the groups, we propose a critical approach toward flap reconstruction in T1/2 tongue carcinoma. At the same time, proportional aspects and adequate resection margins should be taken into account.

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