
To find out the degrees of anxieties experienced by both the individual and team sports persons of Manipur at three different stages of sports such as prior to the actual play, during the progress of the play and after the conclusion of the play over the period of five years beginning from 1995 to 2000 A.D. The researchers mainly adopted the simple and easy methods of questionnaires, personal visits to national and state level sportspersons of Manipur at their residence, hostels and other sports complexes. The subjects of the study were 173 teams' sportspersons and 173 individual sportspersons of Manipur over the span of five years starting form 1995 to 2000. The team sports persons were form the field of hockey, handball, kabaddi, sepak-takraw and volleyball, on the other hand the individual team sportspersons were from the disciplines of Archery, cycling, table-tennis, wrestling, fencing, athletics, weight lifting, judo, boxing and tae-kwondo respectively. Data were collected by using test questionnaire tools. Comparing the sport anxiety before, during and after the play, both the individual and team sportsperson were found significantly higher in anxiety level during the play than the before and after the play situation. The sports anxiety between the individuals and teams sports found no significant difference before the play and after the play. But there is significant different found during the play i.e., individuals sportspersons were found significantly higher in sports anxiety then the team sportspersons. Key wards: Sports anxiety, individual and team sportspersons, STAI Form Y-I, comparative t test. I. Introduction: Sports play a vital role in our society. The theme of being is animated by the different colours of sports. The foetus of human stigmas is thus purged away with the flairs of sports. The excitements generated by the potentials of sports are so great that even the bed-ridden patients incline to jump up from their bets of fate. Momentarily, sports often give the soothing touch of healing to the morlorn hearts of the society. Amongst the various factors of human traits and legacies sports is regarded one of the most important legacies towards human development. With this legacy human society is forging ahead with fast strides. Although there is no finishing line for this race of development there is certainly a line for betterment of sports vicinity. The history of sports at Manipur, unlike some states of India, is quite clear and transparent. The traces of sports can be easily seen with the chronicles of Manipur history. There were many games and sports which wee wide prevalent among the general public of Manipur since the beginning of the Christian era. There are games and sports at Manipur which are quite unique in character. It is also believed that the game of polo had its origin at Manipur. Some renounce games and sports of the world have similar styles and form with that of the primitive games and sports of Manipur. It may be due to the p0roliferation of history or it may be because of the nomadic influence with due course of time. The games like wrestling, tug-of -war, rugby etc. have been played by and large by the inhabitant of Manipur since time in immemorial. There are also certain games of Manipur which have very similar forms with the renounce games of the either than those which have been stated earlier. Such games are that of Manipuri martial arts, Manipuri hockey and Manipuri chess commonly known as Kei-Yen and Machin-Manao. People of Manipur have always devoted their lives for bringing more and more laurels for the nation and it has been shown with the sports records of Manipur. The feeling of happiness and contentment lies in the various degrees of anxiety. Anxiety plays the greatest role in the sports arena. It is this anxiety which people regard as the important factor of sports excitement without anxiety the taste of sports are liable to be lost in the thin air. Only anxiety can preserve the taste of sports. The cause of anxiety is varied in nature. It may come from incompetency, new exposures, frustrations, happiness etc. all these causes are again different in amplitude. The anxiety level caused by new exposures is comparatively low in comparison with the other causes. The most severe form of anxiety may be due to in competency and frustration. Happiness on the other hand slightly boosts up the anxiety level on the positive side of sports aspect but it may not be always true.

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