
Although primary thyroid lymphoma (PTL) and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) both account for a rare portion of the morbidity of all thyroid malignancies, the therapeutic methods and prognosis for these two diseases are different. The purpose of this study was to investigate the sonographic characteristics of PTL and ATC and to compare the sonographic findings of PTL and ATC. The study included 42 patients with histopathologically proven PTL (n=27) and ATC (n=15). The Clinical characteristics and sonographic findings were retrospectively reviewed and compared between the two groups. The mean age of patients with ATC was not significantly different from that in patients with PTL (P=0.601). The female-to-male ratio of patients with ATC was significantly lower than that of patients with PTL (P=0.029). Both PTL and ATC commonly present as a relatively large, solid mass on sonography with compressive symptoms, in which hoarseness was seen more frequently in ATC group (66.7%) than in PTL group (14.8%) (P=0.001). There is no significant difference in thyroid size, nodular size, margin, shape, echo texture, echogenicity, cystic change, vascularity and local invasion on sonography between ATC and PTL groups. Echogenic strands, markedly hypoechoic and enhanced posterior echo were seen more frequently in PTL group (92.6%, 92.6%, and 85.2%, respectively) than those in ATC group (6.7%, 60.0%, and 33.3%, respectively) (P<0.05), and calcification was seen more frequently in ATC group (80.0%) than in PTL group (0%) (P<0.001). Three ultrasound patterns were observed for PTL including diffuse type (25.9%), nodular type (48.2%) and mixed type (25.9%), while all ATC cases presented with nodular type (100.0%). Associated Hashimoto's thyroiditis occurred more frequently in PTL group (59.3%) than in ATC group (20.0%) (P=0.023). Certain sonographic features as a markedly hypoechogenicity, the presence of an enhanced posterior echo and linear echogenic strands, lack of calcification and associated Hashimoto's thyroiditis were valuable for distinguishing PTL from ATC. In contrast, heterogeneous echogenicity, uncircumscribed margin, irregular shape, and vascular pattern were not specific features for differential diagnosis.

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