
Increases in soil salinity and/or sodicity are degrading soils worldwide. To address the problem, more information is needed about the effects of salinity and sodicity onsoilhydraulicproperties,aswellasontherelativeeffectsof other interacting soil properties. In this study, tests were con- ducted using an infiltrometer with negative hydraulic heads (0,�3,�6,and�9cm)tocomparethesoilhydraulicproperties of two kinds of soils (soil 1: a sullage-puddle silt soil collected from a coastal reclamation region in China; soil 2: a yellow brown soil collected from a water-saving area) with different soil salt contents. The results showed that with increasing soil salt content, the parameters including the steady infiltration rate, sorptivity, and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity decreased with decreasing negative heads for soil 2. As the soil salt contents decreased for soil 2, the contribution of fine pores ( 0.5 mm) decreased. Soil salt content had no significant effects on the hydraulic conductivity of soil 1 due to its very poor soil structure that the salt could not make significantly worse. Soil texture played a major role in deter- mining whether soil salt contents would significantly affect hydraulic properties.

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