
Seed functional traits of native Helianthus species contribute towards ecosystem services but limitations to their use in managed programmes exist. Many perennial Helianthus possess seed dormancy. The ability for germination to occur under different temperature and drought conditions, as well as the capacity of germinated seeds to convert into normal seedlings is rarely considered. Our aim was to identify and quantify these constraints through functional trait analyses. In five seed lots of native Helianthus (four perennial and one annual) and five genotypes of sunflower (H.annuus) for comparison, dormancy, thermal and hydro thresholds and times, morphology, mass, oil content and conversion into normal seedlings were quantified. The influence of the seed collection site environment on these traits was also explored. Seed dormancy of the perennial species was overcome by scarification followed by germination in 5mm GA3 . Thermal and hydro-time analyses revealed slower germination for the native seed lots (>1350°Ch) in comparison to the sunflower genotypes (<829.9°Ch). However, native seed lots had a higher capacity to convert into normal seedlings at high temperatures and low water potentials than sunflower genotypes. For the native seed lots, the average monthly temperature of the collection site was negatively correlated with thermal time. Variability in seed functional traits of native Helianthus and greater capacity for germinated seeds to convert into normal seedlings suggests they are better equipped to cope with high temperature and drought scenarios than sunflower. Effective dormancy alleviation is required to facilitate the use of native Helianthus species.

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