
Abstract A 2-part study was performed to compare tho Tur-boVap evaporator v/ith the traditional Kuderna-Darv-Ish concentrator for analysis of selected pesticides and related compounds (study 1) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (study 2) In fat samples. To compare results, bias and precision data were evaluated for pesticides and related compounds and bias v/as evaluated for PCBs. For study 1, 20 samples of poultry fat were spiked with known amounts of 13 pesticides and related compounds. Samples were extracted v/ith petroleum ether, cleaned up with Florisil, and evaporated in either a Kudorna-Danlsh concentrator or a TurboVap evaporator. The pesticides and related compounds were identified and quantitated by gas chromatography v/ith electron capture detection. Biases, as indicated by average recoveries of pesticides and related compounds, were 63 and 73%, respectively, for the TurboVap and Kudema-Danlsh procedures. Recoveries of pesticides and related compounds, except methoxychlor, by tho TurboVap evaporator were significantly lower (p ≤ 0.05) than recoveries by Kudema-Danish concentration. Average recoveries with the TurboVap procedure were 10% lower than recoveries with the Kudema-Danlsh procedure. Precisions for both procedures were determined by testing for equality of variances with the F-test. A significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) for precision between the 2 procedures was found only for endrin. Study 2 was conducted on 14 accreditation PCB samples from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service. PCB recoveries were 70–125% with the Kuderna-Danish apparatus and 69–106% with the TurboVap evaporator. No significant difference (p > 0.05) was found between the 2 procedures for PCB analysis. The TurboVap ovaporator gave consistently lower results for pesticides and related compounds compared with the traditional Kuderna-Danish concentrator; precisions for both procedures were similar. Results for PCBs analyzed by both procedures v/cre not significantly different. Lower recoveries for pcstlcidos and rotated compounds notwithstanding. tho TurboVap concentrator offers advantages over tho older Kudorna-Danlsh ovaporator In terms of turnaround time and efficient use of laboratory space.

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