
analysed using the Ilumein offline review station (St Jude Medical) at 1mm intervals throughout the OCT pullback. Struts were classified as embedded, protruding or malapposed by measuring the distance from the endoluminal strut surface to the intimal wall using standard definitions. Results: A total of 12,853 struts were analysed in 60 patients. No significant difference in baseline charcterstics betweengroups. Therewere 83.3%males (n= 50)with a mean age of 61.86± 10.88, 25% of patients were diabetic. The Promus (n= 13) and Xience (n= 15) stents (each 90 m) contained similar rates of embedded struts, 45% and 57.8%, respectively. The thicker Cypher stent 160 m (n= 15) and BioMatrix 130 m (n= 17) stents had a total of 37.5% and 30.94% embeddedstruts, respectively.Cypher stentshad themost malapposition 10.7% compared with the thinner stents. Conclusion: Stent protrusion is more frequent in stents with thicker strut profiles compared with the thinner stents which are more embedded. How this translates to clinical outcomes remains to be seen. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hlc.2013.05.313

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