
Encryption is the process of encoding data in such a way that it is unreadable to anybody who does not have access to it. Only authorized persons with a "key" may read or use data that has been encrypted. The encryption technologies are classified into two which are symmetric-key encryption and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption is a typical approach in which the encryption and decryption keys are the same. Asymmetric encryption is a technique that creates two keys, one private and one public. These keys are not similar, and the public key may be shared with everyone, whilst the private key is only shared with those who are authorized to view the data. Users can encrypt the data using the public key, and the decryption key is the private key. The Rabin-p encryption algorithm is one of the public key encryptions. The Rabin-p's runtime and performance on a microprocessor architecture were investigated in this study. As a result, the Raspberry Pi is employed in this project with the Raspbian OS, a smaller version of the Linux operating system for embedded devices used. The Rabin-p and Rabin-Takagi cryptosystems are compared on the Raspberry Pi setup. It is possible to infer that Rabin-p outperforms the Rabin-Takagi cryptosystem on the microprocessor platform. Rabin-p improved the decryption performance and decryption failure by producing only one modular exponentiation and generating a unique message at the end of the decryption process. The runtimes to complete both types of Rabin variation have been documented. Rabin-p is faster than Rabin-Takagi for encrypting and decrypting data, according to the findings obtained.

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