
A field study was established in the fall of 1993 on Tunica clay soil to evaluate the response of cotton to profilemodification tillage relative to more conventional types of tillage for clay soil. Ten treatments were replicated four timesusing plots 15 m wide 30.5 m long in a wide-bed controlled-traffic production system. Annual tillage treatmentsincluded bedding, disking, chiseling, subsoiling, and profile modification to depths of 25 cm, 50 cm, and 76 cm.Treatments to evaluate the residual effects of tillage were also included for the 25 cm, 50 cm and 76 cm depths of profilemodification. Results indicated that soil profile modification generally increased plant height, vegetative dry mass andseed cotton yield compared to conventional tillage practices. In the modified profile treatments, crop response increasedas depth of modification increased. The residual effect of soil profile modification at the 76 cm depth was as effective inincreasing seed cotton yield as annual profile modification after three years. Soil profile modification produced a positiveresponse in cotton production but the time required to perform the tillage was excessive.

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