
Tagging studies ofSpartina alterniflora Loisel showed no significant differences in stem longevity of short, medium, and tall height forms. Mean stem longevity was 7.9 months, and the experimental turnover rate was 1.5 crops per yr. Five methods to measure productivity (peak standing crop, Milner and Hughes, Smalley, Wiegert and Evans, and Lomnicki, et al.) yielded annual net aerial primary production (NAPP) estimates ranging from 214 to 1,038 g dry wt per m2 per yr in a stand of shortSpartina. Turnover rates were computed for each of the methods by dividing the respective production value by the peak standing crop (242 g dry wt per m2 per yr). Each computed turnover rate was compared with the experimental value of 1.5 crops per yr to ultimately determine that the methods of peak standing crop, Milner and Hughes, and Smalley were underestimates and that the Wiegert and Evans method was an overestimate of NAPP in tidal marsh systems. Based on its calculated turnover rate of 1.9 crops per yr, a modified Lomnicki, et al. method provided the best NAPP estimate (454 g dry wt per m2 per yr).

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