
The caper (Capparis spinosa L.) is a winter deciduous, perennial plant that grows and completes its life cycle entirely during the dry season in the Mediterranean region. Mature caper fruits and their pericarp, collected from the wild shrubs of the Capparis spinosa grown in the inland and coastal sites of Greece during summer, have been studied in order to improve and complete our knowledge of the successful establishment of the C. spinosa in Mediterranean ecosystems. Caper fruits possess substantial nutritional, medicinal and ecological properties that vary according to the developmental stage, agroclimatic and geographical parameters; however, the fruit pericarp and pedicel, unlike the other aboveground plant parts of the caper, have not hitherto been studied. The higher sugar and starch content in the pericarps and fruit pedicels harvested from wild caper plants grown in coastal habitats was investigated in comparison with those from inland habitats, while the higher proline and nitrogen content in pericarps and fruit pedicels harvested from wild caper plants grown in inland habitats was investigated in comparison with those from coastal habitats. The PCA, based on the considered functional traits underlying the constitutional aspects, reveals groupings of fruit pericarp specimens of the C. spinosa collected from coastal and inland habitats that are grounds for adaptive variation.

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